Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So while we girls were having tea, Stephen and Clyde decided to make a trip to Walmart with THIS book in tow....

This is what I came home to find....Clyde with his new handmade dart.  This is a VERY sturdy little dart, people.  A little too sturdy if you ask me.

They then proceeded to build cross-bows, which shoot skewers.

Here are my man-child and his father showing me how to aim said cross bows.  They can shoot a skewer all the way to the road from our porch.  This is NOT comforting.

Here's Clyde aiming and releasing.  (I love his release face!)

 I then made the mistake of asking Stephen how much power these things have.  Could they hurt someone?

Every night, the kids take a "sleep book" or two to bed with them.  They read until we turn their lights out.  This night, Clyde asked if he could take his dart and sharpening stone to bed in lieu of a sleep book.  *sigh*  Part of me cringes and part of me just thinks, "...just like his Daddy :) "

Then this morning he put together a "shooting booth" at which you could choose your weapon....

choose a target (the presidents were NOT targets...just observers) and shoot for only 10¢ a pop.
Stephen decided to reward his entepreneurship. 

I assumed they would hit the target and bounce off the wall....
I was wrong.
Love that boy.  Love him so very much.  So glad his Daddy has boy in there... under his burly self.

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