First we went to some shops,one of which had a former parishioner of my fathers who runs it. She had some baby ducks (FUN!!)
and she lovingly made Iris a ring out of the button of her choice :)
I just have to throw in that while at this shop, I saw the sequence of pictures that took 1st place at the county fair and it was of my Dad baptizing someone in the river.....just thought that was cool. My pictures of pictures never turn out well...but you get the PICTURE! Bahhahaha!
Then we passed a car show where we saw the GHOSTBUSTER mobile!!! Come-on fellow children of the 80' have to admit the awesomeness happening here!
We then proceeded to the chapel where lovely Sherry is to get married and low and behold, some people showed up on horseback. They hoisted darling Iris onto their tiniest horse and her day was made!
I love one-on-one time with the kiddos