Saturday, June 9, 2018

Vacation 2017

Backposting fro November 2017

Nena, Papa, Sherry, and we five, went to Orlando for vacation this year.  David didn't get to go due to keeping up his awesome grades!  :(   This group has been to Orlando three other times to visit Disney, but this time we were going to visit Universal, all of us for the first time!  It was a timely idea too, since two springs before, we had all read the Harry Potter books... except Papa and Stephen.

These are the pics when we were NOT in the parks.... the rental house, and the other fun things we did...

The house...

Clyde got a room that is supposed to sleep 3 all to himself, due to being the only boy on the trip!

The girls unpacking their bags and getting comfortable in their cute room.

Shortly after we unpacked, a bunch of us congregated in Sherry's room to see what Hogwarts house Sherry and Nena and Papa are in... and only slightly less importantly, what their patronuses are.

If you're curious, Nena and Sherry are both Hufflepuff like Stephen, the kids, and I....runs in the family.  Clyde is Ravenclaw and Papa is Slytherin.

Sherry, Nena, and Papa walked a couple of times with the kids to the amazing pool!  I would often use this time to paint my nails or grab a Dunkin Donuts coffee.  Stephen used it to nap and to secretly read the first Harry Potter book.

 Sherry being the awesomest aunt ever!

 On one of our days off we went to Disney Springs.  Yes, we were there to visit Universal and not Disney, but we still love Disney stuff and the Springs is free, after all.  That and they have Erin McKenna's Bakery that Lucy can eat from, so ....

 Iris with her adorable Mickey cake-pop.  This girl is all about cake-pops!

Clyde eating a decked out candy apple.

Papa scoping out all the sweets in the shop from which the apple and cake-pop came...

And this was the light saber he built.  You don't have to purchase one to build one, which is awesome!

If Iris could have bought ANYTHING, this would have been it.  Unfortunately, we were't sure how we would rig it up in her room.


Sherry and Lucy at the Springs.

Which one is NOT made of LEGO's??? 

Mickey ears!! 

Nena and Papa at Rainforest Cafe.

Lucy trying on the Belle themed 50's dress at the clothing store.  They have 50's attire themed by characters, movies, and rides.

Iris and Clyde bouncing their super-bouncy balls from Rainforest Cafe.  These turned out to be great purchases, as they've used them a ton.  Glad someone was able to retrieve Iris's out of the alligator infest pond that it rolled into shortly after this picture was taken.  Apparently they have a long-reaching tool solely for this purpose.

Stephen and I went on a date one night... this is what we picked.

I had french onion soup, quiche and fruit.

Stephen asked for the smallest dessert available.  This is what they brought him.

This was mine.  I was not prepared.  That flan in the center of my sundae was the size of my spread out hand.  And there is ice cream all up under it.

These are some of the milkshakes ready to be toted out by the waiters...

Stephen and I after our meal.

Clyde found a bitty little turtle in the road on the walk back from the pool.

Papa and Lucy planning out the next day

 Morning cuddles on the fuzzy pillows in the living room while we wait for the caffeine to kick in.  He's on his phone, so he's not as desperate.

 Games at the pool with Nena and Papa...

The adults, chilling....

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