Monday, May 25, 2015

Clyde turns 11

We're still in January...I'm still playing catch-up!!

Clyde, predictably, chose for us to all go to PFChang's for his birthday dinner :)  A boy after my own heart.

I had to get my pic of our family's token sushi eater!!

Group shot, minus Papa...since he took the pic.

Iris got Clyde one of those blobby finger thingys.  She saw him  playing with it at the aquarium gift-shop and had to buy it for him.

Lu got him a spirograph set....he's kind of obsessed with patterns :)

Nena and Papa gave him geodes that you crack open yourself.  He has LOVED these and exercised great restraint by cracking only two a day to spread the fun.

Aunt Rita sent money!  Thanks Rita & Allen!

This is the first ever year that I've given my kids money for their birthday.  It makes me feel old.

This kid is SOOOO irresistibly huggable, it's unreal.  Sherry just can't resist here.  Happens to me all the time.

Sherry and David gave him books that he had been wanting!

Dessert!!  Banana Spring Rolls ALL TO HIMSELF!!

 My enormous boy!!

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