Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Weekend with Grandad and Grandmom

We all headed to Dad and Janet's for a Christmas weekend.  We were to be joined by Sherry (unfortunately not David, he was working), Dyan and Brent, Bobby and his friend Perry.

My camera's flash is finicky, so some of my pics are fuzzy...and some didn't turn out at all...bear with me :)

Our first evening, Dad & Clyde attempted a game of Scrabble.  The scrabble pieces were NOT cooperating, so it was not completed, but they certainly gave it the old college try.

Love how they are in similar postures for these pics! :)

Iris did lots of hairstyles on anyone who would cooperate.  Here is Sherry modeling one of her Christmas time creations...

Dad was a good sport and posed when the Mad Hatter's Hat was placed upon his head...

This is what Stephen looked like  most of the weekend..

Iris read to Sherry...

Clyde donned the hat...

Once Dyan and Brent arrived on Sat. I got a good picture of she and Lucy.

Grandmom had written an obligato to go with Silent Night.  The kids had been practicing it.  They were to sing a verse, play a verse on the handbells and sing another verse.  This would be done while the congregation sang the regular version of Silent Night.  This is what rehearsal looked like.

Grandmom had her skating rink out that had been gifted to her several Christmases ago by John and Bobby.  Here are the kids admiring it.

Dyan being a sneaky elf.

Here is the actual church performance, photographed by Sherry.  She scurried away as soon as the handbell part was over...she played the 'low A' bell.

 After church, Bobby and Perry finished out the crowd.  We left setting the table up to the kids.  They ousted all of us adults from the cool table.

Here we are...the left-over, un-cool people.  I'm behind the camera and Stephen's in the kitchen.

After lunch, the kids passed out presents :)  Here's Dad peeking out from under his stash.

Grandad and Grandmom opening the world's most awesome tissue box!

Grandmom with her mixing bowls from the big kids...

Grandad with his moose head from Lu and Clyde...

Dyan with her purple pens from Clyde...

Brent with his guitar picks from Lu and Clyde...

Bobby with his spray paint from Iris...

Most of us kids got money, Stephen, our kids and I were the exception!  WE got DOLLYWOOD PASSES!  WOOT!  Thanks Grandad and Grandmom!

A few of the presents the kids opened from Grandad and Grandmom....
Iris and her Hello Kitty travel bag and toiletries...she's been smelling like a strawberry ever since.

Lu and her slippers.

Clyde and his Death Star.

They also got a couple of fort construction sets from Dyan, Brent, Bobby and Perry.  This particular toy, may never see the box again, they've been using it heartily since arriving back home.

Then we moved on to Birthdays!!
Bobby and Lucy listening to us sing Happy Birthday!

Lucy got a book she's been wanting from Grandad and Grandmom in addition to part of the Dollywood pass.

Then Dyan, Brent, Bobby and Perry gave them all some birthday gifts since they won't be back in January.

Lucy with her new lime green scarf and eagerly anticipated book!

Clyde with his projector is SO COOL!

Iris moved so fast I only got a pic of her with her headbands, but she was pretty pumped about them!

Family portrait 2014

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