Friday, August 22, 2014

Stephen's 'At Home' Party

The kids have it in their heads that we (the parents) should each get an 'at home' party as well as whatever might occur with aunts/uncles/grandparents.  So...

We sent Daddy to Panera to work there for the day.

The kids totally rocked this party.  I remember when letting them "help" was so difficult.  When did they get so helpful?  Lu helped me make the cake and the icing and spaghetti and sweet tea, they all 3 decorated the kitchen, Iris iced the cake and wrote "happy birthday."  Clyde made up the equation, and Lucy wrote the equation on the cake.  It actually did equal 35, but she left out a tiny part of his equation.  She felt bad about that, but no body minded!

Here we all are, gathered to celebrate!!

Clyde helping Daddy light up all those candles!

Stephen warming his hands by the heat emitted from his old age.

Blowing them out... took a while ;)

Clean up crew...

Everyone watching the "happy birthday" stop motion videos they all worked on for Daddy!

 Happy Birthday, Stephen!!

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